
Energy Efficiency

Looking for energy efficient products but not sure where to begin? No problem. We can advise you, or procure the material for you.


Have you recently purchased a commercial building or energy efficient equipment? Perfect. We can help you get most from the IRS.

Real Estate

We have a licensed commercial Realtor on-staff and happy to assist you. Let us narrow down your search down to the building that is right for you.


Don't have the upfront capital to make the changes your building needs? No worries. We have a variety of financing options as low as 2.9%. Let us advise financing options for you today.

Design & Engineering

Don't waste time with specification sheets and energy codes that can be both time consuming and confusing. Send us your blueprints or drawings and we will direct your project.

Solar & Sustainability

Solar and other sustainable energy systems can present unforeseen challenges. At First Building Solutions, we consult on all things energy.

Energy is not new to First Building Solutions

A sustainable approach meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It maintains the balance between the social, environmental and economic aspects of business. Our team can help you incorporate measures that effect real environmental change, putting you among the leading-edge companies that are increasingly implementing and promoting sustainability programs.

"The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of the planter - for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way."

We design buildings with the intent of getting them built. As simple as that seems it’s sometimes a revolutionary concept in this industry. As energy professionals we understand that our design solutions aren’t an academic exercise, but rather a framework for a complex and multi-faceted construction process.

We view ourselves as a part of that process, which is why we actively collaborate with our construction partners to deliver success for our clients.

Whether your business is in the utility, process, transportation, aviation, manufacturing, healthcare or government sector, First Building Solutions can help you identify and implement sustainable solutions to move your business forward.

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Energy Star Partner
Construction & Management
Lighting Design
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Your Energy Professionals

Douglas Aldridge


Reed Martindale
Account Manager


Dan Wolfe
VP of Marketing & Tech
